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Click on each video to see/hear it.
Discussion w a Writer's Group: What Is Art?
On 6-4-21, I met with a Rio Grande Valley TX writer's group to explore art and writing (12 people).
Eat 'Til Stuffed: Food Insecurity
In this 6-14-21 video, I eat until I vomit. My mother suffered from food insecurity during WWII in Hungary and then as a refugee in Germany (recorded at home).
Exploring Art with Families, Brownsville TX Children's Museum
On 6-26-21, I read to children and invited them to interact with soft sculptures (24 people).
Remembering Animals
On 3-25-22, about participants held a funeral procession for animals at UTRGV, Edinburg, TX
I Became My Mother, Egy Kicsi (A Little)
On 6-4-21, I performed my art about food and my mother for a writer's group (12 people).
I Have Wings: Socially Engaged Art (SEA)
On 10-5-21 in Edinburg TX, I played my audio recording & invited class members & the professor to explore my installation (10 people).
Memorial Items in My Sculpture's Pillow
On 5-16-21, I placed memorial items under my sculpture's pillow in dedication to my Hungarian-born mother (recorded at home, rev. 3-5-22).
Near Death: Performance Art
On 6-4-21, I performed for a writer's group about a trauma related to food and my diabetic mother, who suffered from food insecurity (12 people).
Reading Art with a Child
Socially Engaged Art, Upper Valley Art League, Mission, TX, 5-8-21 (6 people).
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