This is about the freedom I feel as a woman. Media: stoneware, underglaze, cone 6, twine, wire, paint, English Ringneck pheasant feathers - non-native to USA. Dimensions: 14” height, 16.5” width, 8” depth Completed: 2020 Contact me for purchase

Becoming Whole

Media: Stoneware, underglaze, glaze, copper oxide stain, cone 6 Dimensions: 8” height, 14” width, 14” depth Completed: 2020 The red bowl on the bottom is just to show the details better of the Bending Boundaries piece. The red bowl is in the Ecology theme in this website. Not for sale: In a public collection (Center for Diversity & Gender Studies, Tx State University, San Marcos, TX)

Bending Boundaries

wall-mounted piece Media: Found objects, paper pulp, wood, natural pigments Dimensions: 6” height, 8” width, 2” depth. Completion: 2024 Contact me for purchase.


Mixed media: Stoneware, underglaze, copper oxide stain, cone 6. Fishing line to attach bell chimes, human hair, hair spray Dimensions: Without hair: 8” Height, 3.5” Width, 3.5” Depth Completed: 2021 Not for sale: In a private collection

I Can Bring Home the ...

(three-piece hanging & pedestal installation) Media for red piece: found objects (including 5 apple seeds and my hair), fabric Dimensions for this mannequin piece: 12” depth, 22” width, 32” height Completed: 2023 Not for sale: In a public collection (Center for Diversity & Gender Studies, Tx State University, San Marcos, TX)

I Dissent

Media: Stoneware, underglaze, cone 6. Dimensions: 7.5” height, 14.5” width, 8.5” depth Completed: 2020 Not for sale: In a private collection

Just Women & Children

(can be ceiling or table-mounted installation) Media: used fabric & leather, plastic bottles & cans w rocks inside, other recyclables, bells, hooks, wire. Purses & pockets contain gendered items Dimensions: 96" height, 144" width, 144" depth (carcasses to be hung from ceiling) Completion: 2022 Contact me for purchase.

MEat: Ode to ...

Media: Stoneware, stain, glaze, cone 6. Dimensions: 16” height, 9” width, 3.75” depth Completed: 2018 Not for sale: This sculpture representing my mother and her 6 children is in a public collection at Proyecto Juan Diego, Brownsville, TX)

Mother's Garden

Media: Stoneware, stain, glaze, cone 6 Dimensions: 11” height, 6” width, 8” depth. Completed: 2020 Not for sale: This is in a public collection at Proyecto Juan Diego, Brownsville, TX)

Mother with Child

(floor sculpture) Media: papier-mâché (metal armature), found objects (toaster oven, moldy bread), acrylic paint, clear acrylic spray paint. Dimensions: 63" height, 28" width, 22" depth Completed: 2022 Not for sale: In a private collection

Mrs. Csirke: Nothin' Says

Mrs. Chicken is protecting her diamond. Media: Handmade banana plant paper, algae fr. our 13’ x 20’ pond, parts of palm frond, white vinegar, avocado skin dye, turmeric dye, coffee stain, Mayan blue pigment, burlap, painted wood from my sister. Dimensions: 17.5" x 31" Completed: 2023 Contact me for purchase

Mrs. Csirke Protests

Media: Burlap, rusting process, acrylic paint, found objects Dimensions: 18.5" height (with strings hanging down), 22.5" width Completed: 2022 Contact me for purchase

Mrs. Csirke's Birth ...

(tapestry) Media: My mom's jean dress, thrift store red/white fabric, gesso, acrylic paint; old rope, bamboo & dowels, domesticated feathers & my hair (in tassel), polyester batting, thread, polymer clay (baked), wire, Posca marker Dimensions: 26" height, 28" width Completed: 2022 Contact me for purchase

Pet Mrs. Csirke

(tapestry) The drumsticks on each side of this tapestry have human breasts and bikini bottoms. Media: My mom's tablecloth, my blood, my homemade twine, coffee, Maya blue pigment, avocado skin dye, onion skin dye, Sculpey clay (baked) embroidery thread, found objects, wire, cotton Dimensions: 72" height, 57" width, 14" depth Completed: 2023 Contact me for purchase

Recycling Mrs. Csirke

Media: plaster, white paint for sealant Dimensions: 6” height, 4” width, 5.5” depth Completed: 1983 Contact me for purchase


Media: mixed Dimensions: 9.75” width, 36” height Completed: 1979 Not for sale: In a public collection (Center for Diversity & Gender Studies, Tx State University, San Marcos, TX)

Sola: My Arm's Tired

(tapestry) Media: upcycled leather, fabric, batting, nylon cord, wood, acrylic paint, posh markers, wire for hanging Dimensions: 74" H X 68" W Completed: 2022 Contact me for purchase


(pedestal assemblage) Dimensions: 33" width, 27” height, 21" depth Media: found objects (including unharmed Dominique hen & 25-year-old feather from a peacock), embroidery thread, walnut dye, cheesecloth, Elmer’s glue (vegan), acrylic paint) Year: 2023 Not for sale: In a public collection (Center for Diversity & Gender Studies, Tx State University, San Marcos, TX)

What'll It Be?

(wall-mounted assemblage) Dimensions: 12" width, 30” height Media: found objects, my homemade twine Year: 2023 Contact me for purchase